Saturday, March 16, 2019

Essay --

What truly defines someone as a world? in that respect are many answers to the question. Unfortunately, society has warped the align supposition of humanness and replaced it with many stereotypes that every man is expected to follow. As a result, the view of world is nonhing more than a collection of stereotypes. This warped concept was no different during the Jacobean era. The manly hero in many pieces of literature mostly shared the same traits, and was always revered for it. However, Shakespearian plays were an exception. This is especially true in the tragedy Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. The concept of human beings is explored in Macbeth, but more importantly, its validity is explored and questioned. In Macbeth, Shakespeare challenges the stereotypical concepts of manhood through the use characterization and contrast between the characters throughout the play. peeress Macbeth represents all the stereotypical qualities of manhood, such as unrelenting determination, cru elty, and lack of emotions. Her edition of masculinity is made clear from the very first scene she appears in. When wench Macbeth realizes that she must kill Duncan in her own home, she states, Come, you spirits/ That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here (I. iv. 43-44). Her request shows that she believes a woman is not capable of such cruel and evil acts, and that only a man is. Furthermore, she wants to be filled up from the crown to the toe, top- dependable/ Of direst cruelty with the access and transportation to remorse, completely blocked off, implying that a man is without remorse and feelings, and full of cruelty (I. iv. 45-47). Lady Macbeth then imposes her idea of Manhood on Macbeth. When Macbeth decides not to kill Duncan, Lady Macbeth quickly challenges his manliness by c... ...ction to the murder of his family. Macduff represents what true manhood is, a man that has emotions and feelings. When Macduff receives news of the murder of his family, he at once starts t o cry and grieve. Malcolm tells Macduff to Dispute it like man, telling Macduff to stop exacting and to act like a man (IV. iii. 256). Macduff responds with, I shall do so/ But I must also feel it as a man (IV. iii. 257-259). Macduff responds that he will deal with it like man however, he will deal with it with emotions and feelings, as well as by fetching action. Macduffs statement, in contrast to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, implies that it is okay for a man to select feelings and emotions, and that Manhood is more than just violence and action. Furthermore, unlike Macbeth, whose idea of masculinity causes serious character flaws, Macduffs idea actually helps him achieve his

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